Saturday, February 25, 2023

Us Military Aircraft

Us Military Aircraft - The Air Force should receive its first E-7s in 2027. It's not clear how, if at all, American E-7s will differ from their Australian, Turkish, South Korean, and U.K. counterparts, but the fact that the E-7 is

Also in service with those countries lowers risk and allows the Air Force to get the planes more quickly. One thing that might change: the E-7's namesake, Wedgetail, is Australia's largest bird of prey. Whether or not the name will carry over to

Us Military Aircraft

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The American E-7 fleet remains to be seen. That allegation was amplified in Chinese state media, with a story in the nationalist state-run tabloid Global Times claiming the flight of the US Navy antisubmarine warfare and surveillance jet was “just another provocation aimed at stirring up troubles.”

What’s New With The E- Wedgetail?

AWACS planes further refined their role into flying battle managers, giving orders to nearby planes, as needed, to respond to enemy threats. An AWACS plane might, for example, task a nearby patrol of F-15C Eagle fighters to respond to an incoming flight

of enemy fighters, and reroute a pair of F-35s on a strike mission to fly around the newly developed threat. If a plane is shot down over hostile territory, the AWACS can centrally coordinate all aspects of the search-and-rescue effort,

Military Transport Aircraft - Wikipedia

From vectoring in rescue helicopters to dispatching additional fighter jets to keep the enemy at bay. Although the Air Force is replacing its E-3s with fewer aircraft, the E-7 is based on the Boeing 737-700NG, an aircraft currently in production, and with a high readiness rate—so the net result should be more aircraft available at

any one time. The 737 airframe is also used for the C-40 Clipper VIP transport and the P-8 Poseidon maritime patrol aircraft. “They are rehearsing, they are practicing, they are experimenting, and they are preparing those forces for something,” Flynn said. “But you don’t build up that kind of arsenal to just defend and protect. You are probably building that for

other purposes.” The U.S. Air Force will replace its half-century-old E-3 Sentry aircraft with the new E-7 Wedgetail. The plane fills the crucial role of providing early warning and command and control to air forces that conduct missions beyond ground-based support

, and are often the first assets to be deployed to hotspots worldwide. Planes like the E-7 are absolutely critical in scenarios where the U.S. military must fight over vast distances, such as Europe or the Asia/Pacific.

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Airborne early warning and control (AWACs) aircraft like the E-3 and E-7 were originally built as flying radar stations, using their large, powerful radars to detect enemy aircraft before a smaller, less powerful fighter-mounted radar could do.

This eventually led to the tactic of having friendly fighters switch off their radars, altogether—which could be detected by enemy forces—and relying on cues from AWACS planes. This can often result in a nasty surprise for enemy planes, as American fighters that know

exactly where they are spring out of nowhere. The E-3 Sentry is no stranger to anyone following current events over the past 40 years. The E-3 is often one of the first aircraft the Air Force deploys during crises, similar to how an aircraft carrier is often one of the first naval

assets to arrive on scene. E-3s were one of the first aircraft to arrive in Saudi Arabia in 1990 after Iraq's invasion of Kuwait, and E-3s managed the vast air armada that pounded Iraqi forces during Operation Desert Storm. E-3s have

Aerodynamics Is Quietly Taking U.s. Military Aircraft To Heightened Levels  Of Efficiency - Warrior Maven: Center For Military Modernization

It also flows in support of the NATO mission in Yugoslavia, the invasion of Iraq, Afghanistan, and other military operations with a major air component. According to Reuters, the Air Force will purchase 26 E-7 Wedgetails from defense contractor Boeing. The aircraft will replace 31 E-3 Sentry aircraft. The Sentry, first developed and deployed in the 1970s, is growing increasingly old and, as Air and

Space Forces points out, only about 60 percent of the fleet is mission-capable at any particular time. On Friday, a US Poseidon with a CNN crew aboard was intercepted by a PLA fighter jet over the South China Sea near the Paracel Islands, a chain of contested coral atolls where Beijing has built military installations despite competing claims from Vietnam and Taiwan.

The E-7 is even a little bit of a spy plane. Unlike the E-3, the E-7 can also perform electronic intelligence (ELINT) gathering missions, vacuuming up enemy surveillance, fire control, or other radar transmissions for analysis.

These signals can be analyzed to determine how to identify, keep track of, and even jam enemy radar systems in a wartime situation. On Tuesday, Taiwan's Defense Ministry said it spotted 14 PLA aircraft and three naval vessels around the island, including four aircraft that crossed the median line of the strait, which had for decades served as a rarely breached informal demarcation line sides but is between the two

Boeing Kc-135 Stratotanker - Wikipedia

Now routinely ignored by Beijing. The intercept, filmed by the CNN crew, came after a PLA airfield in the Paracels, which China calls the Xisha Islands, warned the US plane to stay away from what it claimed was Chinese airspace around the islands.

A Global Times report on Sunday said the PLA handled the encounter with the US aircraft in a professional manner. But the presence of the “US spy plane that conducted a close-in reconnaissance on China at China’s doorstep” shows that Washington, not Beijing,

is the “aggressor” in the region, the report said. “The US military frequently sends aircraft and vessels to the South China Sea, the East China Sea and the Taiwan Straits for close-in reconnaissance operations and provocative transits, although China is thousands of kilometers away from the US,” it said.

In a statement Monday, the US 7th Fleet said the flight of the P-8A Poseidon over the waterway that separates China and the self-ruled island of Taiwan was conducted in accordance with international law, demonstrating “the United States' commitment to a free

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and open Indo-Pacific.” The E-7 Wedgetail is equipped with a mechanical electronic scanning array (MESA) radar system that can detect targets in the air, and at sea, at ranges of up to 248 miles. The radar is shrouded in a structure nicknamed the “top hat

That is 35.5 feet long, 11 feet high, and weighs three tons. Unlike the E-3—whose UFO-like radar shroud rotates in flight—the MESA radar stationary is able to focus its radar beams electronically in different directions. Controllers on the ground used to handle AWACS missions by using data from a ground-based radar, or on an ad-hoc basis with mission pilots themselves. U.S. forces in particular, however, tend to operate overseas, far from the continental United States,

and even then often far from nearby friendly air bases. This makes AWACS planes prime targets in a shooting war with a peer-level adversary, as removing them from the picture can cripple an air force's ability to fight. China's new PL-15 air-

to-air missile, with a range of up to 124 miles, is designed to shoot down AWACS planes flying behind the main air battle.

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